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Read My Story

Live Yours


When dealing with my mental illness, sometimes all I want to do is curl up into a ball and sleep for days. It’s easy for me to be frightened by my illness and to cut myself down all the time: Why am I feeling this way? Why do I have to act so weird when I’m in this state? Why can’t I just enjoy my life? Here is a list of ways I make dealing with my mental illness a bit more bearable.

1. I listen to my needs.

When I’m in a depressive phase or am experiencing my physical symptoms, I have to think about what I need in order to cope. This might mean cancelling a night out with friends or leaving early from an event and just going home and doing something calming like taking a lavender bath, changing into my pajamas, turning on my fairy lights, and then reading a book or watching Netflix. I know that when I’m in this phase, I have to fill my life with happy things, so I usually choose something uplifting to read or watch. But sometimes, a friend is what I need. I’m not a fan of public areas when I’m in one of these phases (usually I’m overstimulated by the crowds and noise, which feed my symptoms), so I usually schedule a low-key evening with one or two close friends and either watch a movie or just talk. Good friends will always be there for support.

2. I track my mood and take notes for my therapy meetings.

This is something that I’m still trying to get in the habit of doing. But when I do it, I usually rate my mood, motivation, and anxiety on a scale of 1-10 and then take notes about any symptoms I may be experiencing. Then I draw a colorful graph with my mood, motivation, and anxiety levels in different colors. This may seem ambitious and overwhelming, but when I do it, it’s actually quite therapeutic, and it’s an amazing visual representation of what I’m experiencing on which days and how frequently it’s happening. It’s also important to make note of things that happened on a particular day that may have influenced my mood, motivation, and anxiety as well as keep track of my symptoms and how many days they last. It’s easy to forget, and having the information available is helpful for my psychiatrist in terms of medication adjustments.

3. I listen to music that makes me feel.

Music speaks the language of every emotion. Some people say you should listen to happy music when you’re feeling down, but I feel like I can’t truly enjoy happy music when I’m in a depressive phase. While I avoid music that brings me to a place that’s too dark, I listen to music that brings out more tepid emotions, and it’s nice and therapeutic.

4. I snuggle with my cat (and I don’t care about the hair).

Pet therapy is a real thing. Sometimes when my cat Sadie wants some snuggle time, I push her away because I don’t want hair on my clothes. But sometimes you just have to enjoy the warm fuzzy ball of love, a live being under your care that just wants your love. And it’s worth the mess.

5. I let my mental illness inspire my art.

Art is a beautiful therapy for those struggling with mental illness (and, really, anybody). Sometimes I draw quirky comics that illustrate a more humorous side to my mental illness (which is a great way to shift my perspective about my illness towards a more positive light) and sometimes I create more serious depictions of my illness, such as in my chapbook Free the Strange. Usually it depends on how I’m feeling, but both ways are equally therapeutic and, in my opinion, are productive in taking something ugly and creating beauty.

6. I dressed up my light box (and named it Phil).

This is another way I shift my perception of my mental illness towards a more positive light. I have a form of seasonal affective disorder, so I use light box therapy to get through the dark days of winter. Inspired by a suggestion from my therapist, I decided to personalize my light box. I named it Phil. And I made a doodle of a face with a speech bubble saying: “Good morning, Andrea! Here’s your daily dose of artificial sun!” and taped it on my light box and made it look as if it were holding it for me. It’s silly, but it made the methods of dealing with my illness a bit of fun.

7. I use a weighted blanket.

Weighted blankets are a wonderful tool for people with anxiety, depression, or any other kind of mental illness (plus, they’re super warm and cozy). They’re supposed to be about 10% of a person’s weight, so when you lie underneath it, it’s like being covered with a safe, warm hug. Whenever I watch movies or read a book, I always have my weighted blanket on top of me, and it is glorious.

8. I journal about my mental state (and don’t care if the writing sucks).

As a writer, it’s difficult for me to journal because I feel like the writing has to be good. But I have to remember that my journal is for my eyes only (and maybe for my therapist). And it doesn’t necessarily have to be in paragraph form, either. It could be a bulleted list or word collage or a brain dump of words on a page. And it gets the emotion out.

9. I see myself as a character in the low point of their story (which means good is on the way!)

I’ve always been a reader and writer, so that’s probably why this speaks to me. In fiction, a character must endure obstacles in order to attain what they desire—which, in my case, has been attaining my master’s degree, having a successful career, and being…well…happy. My mental illness has been a huge obstacle in attaining all these things. But when I think of it in terms of a plot of a novel, obstacles in the way of the character’s desires are necessary for character development. And when they overcome these obstacles, it makes the achievement all the more satisfying. Applying this way of thinking to my life has truly opened my eyes to the big picture and has given me the determination to carry on and not give up.

And finally…

10. When I’m feeling good, I enjoy every moment.

In this seemingly rare phase when I’m feeling great, it’s easy for me to take it for granted or not truly enjoy it. In many cases, I’m spending this time worrying about how long I have until my next episode, worrying it will happen during an important event or fun trip planned. And then I forget to enjoy feeling good. So, just recently, I started practicing mindfulness during my happy phases. When it’s a beautiful day, I close my eyes and feel the sun on my skin. When I taste something delicious, I take small bites and savor them slowly to make it last longer. When I schedule plans with friends, I take the time to tell them how much I value them as a person and enjoy the time I have with them. When I hear a wonderful song, I dance. I savor life. I savor these beautiful feelings. And I remember that I may not feel this good tomorrow, but I will again.

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On April 11th (the night before my 25th birthday), I was experiencing my visual distortions at full blast. Previously, I would never have wanted to be around other people (much less film myself) while I'm experiencing this, so this was a big deal for me to post this.

I think it's important for people who experience similar symptoms to not hide the fact that you're struggling with symptoms of your illness out of the fear of being judged. Those who truly care about you will be sympathetic and do everything they can to help make you more comfortable while experiencing these symptoms. I know that when I'm in this state of mind, I'm easily startled, and noise at high volume gives me a lot of stress. It's like my senses are overstimulated. I can't have the TV on, I can't be in loud rooms, and sometimes I even need to ask people to lower their voice, even if they're speaking at a normal level. My sight is affected as well, which is what I describe in this video. Every object in my sight just looked what I called "busy," from the beads of the carpet to the grain of the door. It's overwhelming when I'm in this state of mind, and even when I turn off the lights, my vision is covered in grainy, colorful dots that make me feel like I'm spinning or falling. There's really nothing anyone can help me with in that department, but they can help me with the noise.

To cope, sometimes I take a hot bath with lavender epsom salts (lavender is a calming essential oil) and then get dressed into something comfortable and warm like pajamas and lie in my bed with dim lights to mitigate the grainy vision that comes with darkness (I use my fairy lights, which you can see in this video, because they fill me with warm happiness). And then I fall asleep and hope that I feel better the next day. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don't. But I know that it won't be like this forever. I just have to wait it out.

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Updated: Apr 9, 2018

Hello, lovely readers! Thank you for checking out my blog. For my first post, I thought I would introduce myself and what I’m going to be writing about. My name is Andrea, I am a twenty-five-year-old writer with schizo-affective disorder, and I am a lover of cats and English Breakfast tea.

…What? Is something wrong? Oh, I know what you’re thinking. Surely, dogs are superior to cats.

…No? Oh, you mean the schizo-affective thing. Now, why would that stand out to you among the information I listed for you? It doesn’t seem to fit with the rest, does it? One might believe that having a mental illness like this is a quality one might consider stranger than loving cute fuzzy animals or sweet black tea. Which is one of the reasons why many people keep their mental illnesses private, or at least among a small group of trusted family and friends. "Strangeness" is a bit of a mild word to describe society's perception of mental illnesses and those who have them. The stigma associated with mental illness is a toxic and harmful attitude that shapes people who suffer from mental illness as homicidal psychopaths who are to be feared. In reality, people who experience mental illness are just "normal" people (but what is "normal," really?) with different struggles than a person who doesn't experience mental illness.

But there are still too many people who perpetuate the stigma that it keeps many people with untreated mental illnesses from receiving the help they need. Because apparently, therapy is for "weak" people, and medication is for "crazy" people. With this blog, I hope to demystify mental health and talk openly about my own mental illness in order to help break the stigma.

So, about my illness. I have bipolar-type schizo-affective disorder, which I was just diagnosed with this past Thursday (April 5, 2018). Previously, I was only diagnosed with bipolar disorder, but my psychiatrist added the "schizo" part to it to encompass the visual distortions I've been experiencing (because, apparently, the stigma for "bipolar" wasn't bad enough). This past December, when I was diagnosed just with bipolar, I published a chapbook also called Free the Strange (2017) about my experiences with the manic and depressive stages of my illness. Feel free to check it out to learn more about my experiences, though I plan to go more in depth with my symptoms in other blog posts.

I believe I shall leave it at that. I hope to post every week, so keep checking back!


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